Red Stain Removal

Stain Removal

We remove all types of stains from red drink stains to pet stains and everything in between.
Carpet Bleach Stain Repair

Bleach Stain Repair

We can repair bleach stains and other chemical stains such as certain cleaning chemicals, peroxide and acme medications that result in color loss.

Carpet Color Dyeing

Color Change

If your carpet is sun faded, lost its color over time or you just want a change, we can change the color of your carpeting.
Carpet Color Restoration

Color Restoration

We can restore the beautiful color of your carpeting to look like the day you bought it.

Carpet Repair

Carpet Repairs

Whether its a snag, burn hole or the dog ate your carpet, we can perform various types of carpet repairs.

Pet Stain Removal

Pet Stain Repair

You’ve had your pet stains treated and cleaned but you can still see them. Pet stains can often lead to color loss. We can fix them!